I am ALIVE after 2 weeks in the green minivan from hell! it was actually a really cool trip! we even managed to swing by the mall of America on our drive home and IT WAS FREAKING HUGE. like, the biggest mall I've been to before that was the Palisades mall in Nyack. I dunno if you guys have heard of it? well, you ca fit like 3 of the palisades malls into the mall of America. i took TONS of pictures, and we saw all these crazy things in the middle of nowhere!
Unfortunately, my phone broke after the first day, and it WAS BRAND NEW. i was extremely pissed off to say the least, i mean, COME ON! i had that phone for a WEEK, and then IT GETS WET! it was the brand new blackberry curve, and had basically EVERYTHING on it. NOW, i have to wait for the insurance place to mail my new one. focusing on silver lining for a second now, it shows me how dependant the average highschooler is on texting. i was calling the two people who's numbers were on my brother's phone, and they answered like they didn't know how to actually have a conversation over the telephone! so even when i get a phone again, I'm gonna lay off texting for a while and see how that goes...
as Sydney said: parents having blogs is cool, but parents having facebooks is weird.
not too sure i agree on the first one, cause as long as they remember they have a blog, they might try to check up on mine. (You'll know they did if this post disappears) but parents having facebooks IS FREAKING CREEPY! they're constantly commenting on stuff, and checking up on what i write. i love em, but I NEED SPACE! seriously.
Onto new things:
I must start my work for school. i do this every year. i push stuff off till the very last minute and end up pulling n all-nighter on labor-day weekend doing all the stuff i should have been doing all summer. i have to write a monologue, a book-report, and summarize 110 articles from the new England journal of medicine...
I am taking ANOTHER vacation! (this one with my mom) To MIAMI! sweetness. I'm trying to get i touch with some of my old camp friends from there and see if we can hang out together. that would be awesome.
Sports start in exactly 7 days, and i must start training. i have to be able to run 3 1/2 miles by then, and i have to be faster than the person i ran with last year. we ended the season running miles at the same pace, and we were the fastest on the JV team. now there is ONE spot open on varsity, and the fastest JV player will get moved up early. :D
I am trying to learn french! i suck at pronunciation, but I'm learning the words. it's actually quite random, because i was listening to a song, and one verse was in french, and the next day i woke up and i said to myself "I will be able to know what that is if it kills me." SO i bought a french to English dictionary, and started writing vocab words down. i can say a few sentences i french now, count to 50, and name 30 different things in different cases. i am proud of myself because school hasn't even started yet, and my language major is Latin, my language minor is Italian, and French never even crossed my mind.
Guitar lessons start in September and i must practice. i have slacked too much, and my band will be playing gigs this year IF IT KILLS ME. like i said, i was over at a friends house a while back, and we wrote a song. we've got to get the whole band together and practice our butts off for this!
That's about it for now. ill probably post something funny from Miami, but we'll only be there for a few days! :)
song: Tree Hugger - Antsy pants and Kimya Dawson
mood: emotional
inspirational quote: "Life's journey is not to arrive safely at the grave in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways totally worn out shouting 'Holy shit, what a ride!'"
funny quote: "Dude? how easy do you think it is to break into the zoo? i need to see some penguins like, right now." - anonymous