Wednesday, December 31, 2008


HAPPY NEW YEARS PEOPLE!!! sorry I haven't been able to really post in so long. The holidays have gotten to me. <=] Right now I'm counting down to the new year and trying to come up with new years resolutions. so far I've got:
1) Do all my homework AT HOME and ACTUALLY hand it in the day AND period it's due
2) ATTEMPT to speak in nicer tones to my brothers
3) Practice my instruments at LEAST three times a week, instead of the hour before lessons

That's all I can come up with now, but I know that there's more I can work on. What are your new years resolutions?
The weather here in Arizona is getting warmer, and I passed out in a beach chair next to the pool for several hours today, and it was amazingly relaxing. I checked the weather back at home though, and tomorrow I will be returning to below freezing temperatures and ALOT of snow. I'm happy about the snow and the temperature part, but the weather will probably screw up our flight plans. =P I can't wait to be staying in my own house tomorrow. =] enjoy the first day in the New Year!!!! =] HAPPY 2009!!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Start Of A New Vacation

Currently, I'm sitting in an uncomfortably hard armchair in the 'president's' club at George Bush Airport, Houston, TX after an uncomfortable 3 1/2 hour flight. I have about another twenty minutes before my next flight starts boarding, so I decided to sign onto my new little laptop, and see if i can pick up an internet signal worthy of blogging. =] I hope all of you had an amazing christmas!! =] I'll add more to this later, but I've gotta go! <=]

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Just a quick post to wish all of you an AMAZING christmas! =] I promise to post more later. RIght now Im on my way to my grandma's and Im going to lose WiFi in like 3 seconds. =]

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Spoke Too Soon

Ok, sorry Ive been bitching alot lately. I dont mean to drone on about annoying things for that long. <=] I spoke wayy too soon on the whole 'snow day' thing, because yesterday, EVEN THOUGH IT DIDNT START SNOWING UNTIL LIKE 10 IN THE MORNING, we had no school!! =] It was pretty funny. I woke up at 6, just in case school was still open. Took a shower in pitch blackness, then half stublied down the stairs to find out what was going on. My parents are divorced, and my dad lives in the next town, so we dont get the school channel for the town where I actually attend school. So I was sitting there flipping through news channels looking for news 12, (which I forgot was ACTUALLY on channel 12!! All I remembered was that it was channel 17-something on fios, but we dont HAVE fios at my dads house!) I waited while they read off of a huge list of districts in our county who had a snow day and I was thinking to myself: 'holy crap there's alot of closings today!' then they annouced my district, an simultaneously all of my friends were texting me, trying to see what we could do together. All in all, yesterday was GREAT!!! =] It actually looks like we're going to get a white Christmas!!! =]

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I NEED A SNOW DAY. I AM SLOWLY GOING INSANE! everyone I know is getting on my nerves, teachers, family, ex-friends, brothers, etc. The weather people say that It's going to be a big storm, but that it's not going to start until like 9 tomorrow morning. Now, our school district is being extremely stingy with the available snow days and vacations. Every other district in our county gets 2 whole weeks off for vacation, but we only get a little more than one. Every other district gets multiple snow days, but we get only one. It sucks. On TOP of that, my little half-brother who lives with my dads side of the family in the next town, well that district has so many snow days that they gave him the day off tomorrow just on the speculation that there's going to be a dangerous amount of snow falling. But do we get that? No. We have to wait until the snow actually starts falling before the school will have an emergency evacuation. =P. onto lighter topics: COUNTDOWN TO HANUKAH: 3 days!
I CANT WAIT!!! All my friends and I are bringing gifts for each other on tuesday! =] speaking of which, I didnt actually finish holiday shopping! I have to get cards for people! XD hope yu guys are having good weather wherever you are! =]

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

(almost) SNOW DAY!!!

Ok, today didn't start off too well. It started snowing alot last night, and my friends and I got really wound up because we haven't had a snow day in a REALLY long time, and we were texting until like midnight. Then, One of my friends who had fallen asleep woke up and texted me while I was asleep at around 1 in the morning asking if they had declared a snow day. I was totally passed out, and my phone scared the living crap out of me, so I got up to flip on the TV and check. I was so out of it, I thought it was 6 in the morning! So I was up at one-o-clock sitting 3 inches from the TV screen (i was so tired, and I forgot to find my glasses) I think I was there for about a half hour, trying to find the local school chanel on the crappy 'Verison Fios' box (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?! IT IS FREAKING IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND THE NEWS ON THAT THING!!!) I finally looked at the time, threw my phone across the room, and went to sleep until 6. It turns out that there wasn't even a delay, and the sanitation people put down enough salt to keep the ice away. <=[ Oh well. Hopefully it'll snow again, I really want a white chrismas! =] Right now Im SUPPOSED to me writing a research paper, but screw it. Ill do it at home, or during study hall, or... Or... Oh, who am I kidding? It'll get done eventually. <=] gotta go!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Header

Ok, I think it's a little hard to read, but for a first shot i like my new blog title background. =] It's been a long week, and I regret to say that nothing really new has happened. <=[ its been slow going, but every day i feel a little more energized for christmas!!! =] I think that I remembered to buy everyone gifts, and it's going to be a long, heavy day toting around everyone's gifts (but well worth it!) =] What do you guys do for christmas? Or Hanukah? Or kwnaza? How do you guys celebrate the holidays? For me, all my family members on my dads side go up to my grandma's house for christmas eve, and then we wake up at his house, and open presents before going to my mom's house for christmas day. Then we wake up at around 3 the next day and leave for a week of vacation before returning! =] This year we're going back to Arizona. It was beautiful there! =] I'll have to dig up some pictures for my next post. It's been so Long and we look so different! =] only 14 days 'till christmas!!!11 =]

Monday, December 8, 2008

1 YEAR DOWN!!!! =]

Ok, I was a total idiot yesterday, and when I was busy complaining lamely about my weekend, I totally forgot that it was December 7th, and officially marked the year point for my blog!!! =] I have to change some stuff later though, because the school computers flip out when I try to upload pictures and more music, Im barely getting away with posting during computer class like i usually do. <=] I am slipping on keeping track of the dates right now, i almost forgot that it was my friend's dad's birthday on Sunday! i either need to get more sleep, or drink more caffeine. lol well, Ill get back on blogger later and update a bunch of stuff, but right now, I have about 30 seconds to finish something, so bye! <=]

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dead Tired

Right now, my legs feel like they're made of lead. I spent about 10 hours this weekend at what I'd like to call 'softball boot-camp'. It was actually pretty cool, but I'm positive that I'm going to need a cane tomorrow to help me get around the school. =P It was this huge thing at Fordham university with these two players from the USA Olympics team =] And since I'm a catcher, I spent a total of about i don't know, 3 hours squatting and throwing. <=/ The first day was pretty fun though, I wasn't as sore. its a two day clinic, and on Saturday I did catching and outfield. The outfield was run by this coach from Berkley, and we spent part of the time charging at this mat and diving head-first into it! it was great, but now that I'm feeling all sore, i just feel like staying in bed for the rest of the day. =] i did get some pictures that i will upload probably tomorrow of the two Olympics players, Stacey Nuveman and Jessica Mendoza. =] it actually snowed here last night. Of course, it wasn't much, and now its all gone, BUT IT ACTUALLY SNOWED!!! =] Ive gotta go do something productive now, global homework doesn't do itself you know! (contrary to popular belief) <=]

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Is It Actually Going To Snow This Year, Or What?

December is starting, and the weather is crispy, but too dry! The same thing happened most of last winter too, it was too dry for any real snowstorm until after New Years! The tops of our cars was covered in frost today, and my crazy friends were trying to see if they could blow 'smoke rings' with their visible breath, but C'MON! I want some real Snow, not these flurries that show up, and then melt. I haven't seen 'real snow' in I don't even remember how long. By real snow, I mean the kind that packs good enough to have a huge snowball fight! =] Hopefully it'll snow soon. On another note, in 2 days, my blog will be exactly one year old! =] I found a list on another blog I read, a list of stuff about me last year, and I decided to make a special post for the year anniversary of my blog. =] I'll probably end up changing the title and description too, i realized now how stupid I sounded a year when I typed this, I just never really paid any attention to it. <=] gotta go, the bell is ringing! =]

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Weird Week

I've been talking to my friends about this, but this week has been really weird. All during thanksgiving vacation, every single day felt like sunday, and now this week, every day feels like friday. =P The weather is getting colder and dryer. I think it was like 36 this morning, and I could see my breath as I walked through the seniors courtyard in between classes. My computer was freaking out, so i couldnt post yesterday, though I tried to comment on your blogs. =] Right now Im lying on my bed with my kitty, Lucky, IMing people and blogging at the same time while listening to my playlist; i really should be doing this project for global. You are basically designing your own Yin-Yang sign. Im thinking of doing like, Bob Marley/Metallica kind of thing. Just opposites. =] Im actually getting pretty good at wire wrapping jewelry, so Ill have to battle my computer sometime this week and try to get pictures up. ALSO! I almost forgot! This saturday and sunday Im doing this softball clinic run by former and current olympian softball players! =] ill HAVE to get pictures up after that!!! =] gotta go! 21 Days 'Till Christmas!!! lol

Monday, December 1, 2008


I can't really believe that December's here already! =] (By some miracle) I'm totally done Christmas shopping! =] I got my best friends gifts, and cards for a whole bunch of people I know! Weather here in our suburb is really freaky. it snowed all of Saturday night, then it turned to rain. It POURED all Sunday night, and then today it was crystal clear outside with a low of 60! In other news, I totally bombed NaNoWriMo. I think I lost all my steam after like, 34000 words. so, Ill give it a re-try next year. <=] there was a countdown of the top 1043 greatest classic rock songs on 104.3 FM yesterday, and (not that I was surprised) Stairway To Heaven was numero uno. Gun's 'N Roses rocks, and stairway to heaven has held the number one spot for the last 4 years running! Ill have to add that song to my playlist... enjoy the last month of 08!!! =]