Thursday, April 24, 2008

Three suckish things about spring sports

To me, there are only three things that can ruin the spring sports season.
1) If your team is winning games too easily every single time. It gets really boring, and you think of that sport as 'a waste of time' instead of your favorite sport.
2) If you hate some of the people on your team. It makes playing with them harder, and creates 'cliques' inside your team.
3) If your uniforms are short sleeved, and you get a tan around the edges of it and are left with what my team calls a softball, or farmer's tan.
What do you guys think the worst part about spring sports is?


Anonymous said...

umm, i hate spring sports all around, so yeah...for me, everything sucks about them.

Techie57 said...

Nice blog, saw your comment on mine and thought I'd check yours out.

DDR said...

Hey :) NY was amazing. Can't believe it took me that long to get there.

I don't play sports now, but I played soccer. The whole "clique" thing was the suckiest part.

Miss G said...

I think the suckiest (if that's a word) thing about spring is the cliques for sure. It makes the entire game less fun.

I also hate alergies during sports. It just makes me tired and I'm less focused in the game.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I know about cliques on teams! On my swim team, there are these girls who think they are all better than everybody else just because they swim for a prestigious swim club! I mean, who do they think they are? They are totally disruptive, they pee in the pool and they throw goldfish crackers in the locker room when the floor is wet, so you have to tiptoe around soggy little crackers! But of course, the father of two of the girls in the clique helps coach, so one of them got the Coaches cup (that they totally didn't deserve!) Cliques on teams suck!

Caitlyn said...

omg! i totally agree! my team got the sleeveless shirts so we dont have to worry about farmer's tans but we give strange tans with our socks and shorts! We only get tan on the knees lol!

Anonymous said...

yeah, the little cliques that form are bad, but basically I hate the fact that when you're losing a game that people don't get along and argue, and when we're winning we're automaticly getting along and cheering eachother on, lol, it sounds confusing explaining it.

Em said...

omg i hate farmers tan!!!! lol i have huge sunburns all over my arms from stupid tennis practice and they make us wear stupid sleeveless shirts!!!!

Livie23 said...

thanks for all the comments guys! spring sports definately have their downs, but aside from those, they're still one of my favorite things about spring! :)

Techie57 said...

You know that Whuz Good guy, right?

Livie23 said...

yeah, he's a relation of mine, although at sometimes, I wish he wasn't. :)

Techie57 said...

LOL, OK. Just wondering, 'cause he said he knew you. Found his blog on accident.

Em said...

hey livie, thanks 4 all ur comments on my blog, but i think u turned comment abilites off or something, because i can't comment u back on your newer posts

Livie23 said...

hmmm. Idk. I haven't changed anything. thanx for the tip, i'll look into it! =]