okay, so this morning, my cat, Lucky, has managed to: knock everything off of my dresser, eat my old SS test, chew through the elastic strap on one of my watches, break my alarm clock, and wake my baby sister all before I got up to shower at 9:30! I really dont know what's wrong with him, but he better fix it, because all the things he did this morning didn't include the rest of the family! not onl did he torture me this morning, but he pissed off almost EVERYONE! he's completely insane! anyone have good pet advice here? because we've tried just about everything, and Im desperate!
P.S.- enjoy the picture! it's Lucky attacking my little brother, Gabriel! this was taken years ago, but it captures the insanity that is Lucky!
Thanks so much for checking me out and leaving a note. I love cat stories! I have a cat who loves beer and wine or anything else someone might have laying out on the coffee table. My friend's cat has s thing for ankles so you have to watch it when you go over to her place. Cat's are strange.
Thanks again.
no problem! Catz can be annoying, but for some unknown reason, we have to love them anyway. Lucky is now purring and rubbing my ankles as I type this! =]
I love this picture! Thanks for the cat story.
Your cat seems hyperactive. Cute, but crazy =). My cat can be ridiculous, but you can't help but forgive them after a few hours. The look on your brother's face is priceless too, awesome pic.
hah. cats are utterly strange. My cat chases her tail all the time. she also likes to attack my shoes.
hey hey hey!
quieres linkar?
sorry if i already asked that,
i'm pretty sure i have amnesia.
link? sure! =]
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