Sunday, September 14, 2008

Where did the weekend go?

ok. im really tired right now. i just came back fro my stepmoms office picnic, covered in whipped cream (dont ask) and still tired from staying up all night on the internet. (isnt it amazing who's up and IMing at 4 in the morning?). anyway, right now im procrastinating about 3 hours of HW that i barely started in the last few hours of a gorgeous sunday. im probably going to procrastinate a while longer, but i have to really think about it. i mean, i have another JV field hockey game tomorrow, and i dont really want to feel like 'night of the living dead' when im protecting our goal... so i might get off really soon. ill figure it out eventually. ugh. i really hate all the HW i get in 9th grade, but its bearable because i told my parents i was going to im somebody about the game tomorrow and totally lied and said i had no HW. if i had said that i had HW they would be hanging over y shoulder to make sure i was doing it right. i always do my HW right and i HATE it when people read over my shoulder, but parents just dont get that i guess... well ive really got to get to work now. i want to win tomorrow and try to pick up my un-scored upon record again. =] enjoy the last few hours of Sunday!! =]


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I actually know how that feels... sort of.

So how did it go?

Rock on

loony lyssie said...

Ah that sucks.
I always procrastinate XD
Good luck in the Field Hockey Game (: