Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I think I just had the crappiest day in the history of my crappy days:
1) i was so out of it this morning, that when I brought my aquatics stuff in for gym in a plastic shopping bag, i sat down in the hallway with my friends while waiting for the first bell to ring, then walked away and forgot it there until 2nd period. by then it was too late, and it was nowhere to be found. what does one DO with a swimsuit and towel anyway? its not like you can sell it for good money!
2) I was forced to take a bus home for the first time in like, i dont know, 4 years? I made it on before it left, got a good seat, etc. it was fine. then, my stop was on this narrow 2 lane 2 way street. there was no sidewalk, and barely any grass. So naturally, because of the heavy trafic on that street, i hopped up onto the curb and started baancing my way down the street on that while i waited for the bus to pass me so i could walk in the street. when I was about to step down from the curb, my shoe slipped, and I twisted my ankle pretty badly on the way down. I managed to pull myself together before anyone on the bus could think: 'hey! that little freshman girl jut tripped on the curb!'. I walked really gingerly home, and all of a sudden, my mom starts freaking out. I usually dont make a big deal out of getting hurt, but this REALLY hurt. I mean, with brothers and sports combined, yeah, i get hit alot with things. I have lots of bruises, and they heal within two weeks tops. but this was like, if i rotate my foot too much, i collapse. It really sucks, and whatever dignity i scraped together after i slipped off the curb earlier will be stripped from me if it turns out i actually broke my stupid foot. >=[
3) My mom got really pissed off that i didnt do any work on this project of mine until i got to her house, so she wrote this big long pissed off e-mail to my dad complaining that we never do any work when we're at his house. this is so not true. I actually DID do work, contrary to popular belief, but its not much, and there's still lots to do.
4) It MONSOONED (spell check?) yesterday, and the cardboard box I spraypainted like an Ipod for halloween MELTED!!! I swear I had No idea that it would rain, but it did, so now Im screwed unless i can get a great new halloween costume by tomorrow. =/
so over the course of one day, i become: failing aquatics from missing classes (because i forgot my stuff), a cripple (which sucks), and stuck sitting down for the rest of the night with my dad hanging over my shoulder to make sure Im doing schoolwork. =[ On the brighter side: I just figured out what I can use for my halloween costume!!! There's this uniform store near my house. It's basically a store where nurses get scrubs, and police officers get uniforms, and custodians, and crossing guards, etc. So i plan to go there tomorrow and buy up a 'professional looking' pair of scrubs, throw red paint on them, put a 'bloody' rag around my foot, and hobble around like a zombie surgeon or something. lol XD oh well. ill write more after HALLOWEEN!!!! =]


Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie, I'm sorry to hear (read) about this... I hope your ankle gets better.
And don't worry, brighter days will come :) Sometimes it just seems that nothing goes right, but try to stay focused on good things :)

And Happy Halloween!

loony lyssie said...

Thanks for blog comment.
Happy Halloween [:
Ha! Good Halloween costume replacement.

Techie57 said...

Aww, that sucks. Feel better!