Ok, I was a total idiot, and waited until the LAST POSSIBLE SECOND to buy my tickets. The only showtime that wasn't totally sold out was the 4:30 showing in the best theater. Now, All my friends pretty much bought out the other 4 shows, so my plan is: Go see the movie at 4:30, then go to the 6:30 show, and the 9:00 show. =]. Technically it wasn't my plan, my dad said that since he didn't have anything that i had to do around the house, he suggested that I go to the later shows so I could hang out with ALL my friends (since some only got tickets to the 4:30, and some got tickets for the 6:30). One of my crazy lucky friends has tickets to go see it in the LOWES THEATER in NYC, i really hate her for that, those tickets have been sold out for weeks! lol =] anyway,, hopefully all of you will be able to see the movie today, and blog all about it tomorrow! gotta go, the bell's gonna ring! =]
that's so exciting!
tell me if it's good.
thats awesome!! have fun!!
and you get to play piano for the whole restaurant???!?! oh my gosh!!!!! so cool!!! GO TEAM EDWARD!!!!!!!
The movie was AWESOME!!!!! Oh btw, thanks so much for commenting on my blogs. Sorry i havent commented back, i've been sick. Anyway, i'll let you know when i post a new chapter :D
sorry i haven't stopped by!
lovin' the new layout!
did you like the movie?!
i've seen it twice already! :)
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