Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dead Tired

Right now, my legs feel like they're made of lead. I spent about 10 hours this weekend at what I'd like to call 'softball boot-camp'. It was actually pretty cool, but I'm positive that I'm going to need a cane tomorrow to help me get around the school. =P It was this huge thing at Fordham university with these two players from the USA Olympics team =] And since I'm a catcher, I spent a total of about i don't know, 3 hours squatting and throwing. <=/ The first day was pretty fun though, I wasn't as sore. its a two day clinic, and on Saturday I did catching and outfield. The outfield was run by this coach from Berkley, and we spent part of the time charging at this mat and diving head-first into it! it was great, but now that I'm feeling all sore, i just feel like staying in bed for the rest of the day. =] i did get some pictures that i will upload probably tomorrow of the two Olympics players, Stacey Nuveman and Jessica Mendoza. =] it actually snowed here last night. Of course, it wasn't much, and now its all gone, BUT IT ACTUALLY SNOWED!!! =] Ive gotta go do something productive now, global homework doesn't do itself you know! (contrary to popular belief) <=]


Anonymous said...

One question: What does PSA stand for? Awh, the camp sounds cool even though your legs didn't come out in the best condition. When I went to camp for lacrosse I had the time of my life. Speaking snow, it's a foot here!

And yes, going to a outlet with a mob filled with woman looking for bargains on the day that's been dubbed to be the shopping slashes of the year is not exactly my cup of tea. =]

Enjoy December yourself too!

taffy. said...

SBT went to Fordham!

it's snowing in connecticut, as well!

Livie23 said...

PSA is the acronym* for public service announcement. i only know that because my health teacher gave us a proect to do 1. <=] you guys are so lucky that it's snowing where you are. my town is soo boring... <=[ lol

Ali said...

Sorry about your legs! Just from reading that its like i can feel how you feel. You must really be sore. Sorry!

But it does sound like you had a good time.

And yay! It snowed!! Its snowing here right now!! :D