Saturday, May 24, 2008

Random stuff

Okay, I'm really excited because summer is coming, and there is only 21 school days left for me! in two weeks, we have prom, and on the 26Th, I get to leave my school FOREVER! (my dream come true!) so I'm in a very good mood, and in a very crappy mood. on Friday, I got my braces on the top of my mouth, and now, my teeth are so sore that I cant eat anything! it totally sucks! the only thing I have to look forward to about them is that I'm only cursed with them for a year, maybe a little less! finally, its memorial-day weekend, so I get to do whatever I want for the next three days! enjoy your weekends, and I'll try to start posting more regularly, i was just in a 'blogging-block'. (similar to writers-block) <=]


Anonymous said...


Thanks for commenting! I haven't been really checking on my blog all the much either. Lol. And my cousin got out on May 23rd, so thats why I am mainly sad I get out on June 9th. Woot! I'm graduating from Middle School this year too! Next year is High School, thank goodness. :) Awh, braces hurt, try putting oral gel on it, it works! Or ice cream does the trick too! Well I hope you have a great summer and Memorial Day weekend!

Comment back! :)

Karen xoxo

taffy. said...

oye, blogging block is bad.
thanks for the comment :)

Miss G said...

That was a long bloggers block :). Btw- you can eat food, just eat soft stuff. Ice cream is a good idea, so is Jello, and soup, and oatmeal. When I first got braces that was all I could eat for a week without hurting myself.

Livie23 said...

Thanx for the tips and comments, guys! keep posting, and I guarrantee I will keep reading! =]