Monday, July 13, 2009


in softball, you play outside in the hot sun usually in a sleeveless top with shorts and high socks. the sun will beat down, and by then end of a season, 99% of the time (unless you fake 'n bake on the side) you have the signature 'softball tan' to go with the noticeable softball callouses on the palms of your catching hand where your index, middle and ring fingers meet your hand. this means that you're tan only on your arms (except for the hand you wear a batting glove on), your knees from where your spandex sliding (under shorts) shorts end to where your high socks begin, and your face; unless you're like me, and actively battle these lines by sunbathing outside on a regular basis. so far it has been working up until today. i was laying outside in my front yard in a bathing suit when i realized how tired i was. so, while my mom was out, i plugged in my new sound-proof ipod headphones and cranked up some classic rock while i closed my eyes. 10 seconds later i feel a bug on my back. i bend my arm back to swipe it away, and leaving my hand on my back, i fall asleep. i wake up 4 hours later with my mom screaming my name, and the white imprint of my hand sunburned into my back. it hurts like hell, and to make matters worse, I'm crashing at my friends house. while i was napping on her couch, she took a picture of it. I have no idea how she's planning to extort me with this picture, but chances are that if you see some picture somewhere floating around on the Internet, it might be me.

before i went over to my friend's house, i went for a run today. i was feeling overwhelmed, so i grabbed my house keys and took off. i forgot how peaceful running is, and how much i needed a little peacefulness in my life. i ran my usual short mile route around my neighborhood, but i didn't feel like going home, so i ran clear out to the city limits before turning around and walking back. it felt good to run like that. now, of course, since it's been so long since I've run, my calves are killing me and i whistle when i speak, but so what? it was way worth it. :)

must get some sleep. ive gotta stop staying up until 1 am to post!

song: Divine intervention - Taking Back Sunday
mood: worn down
inspirational quote: "Judge me, and Ill prove you wrong. Tell me what to do, and Ill tell you off. Say I'm not worth it, and watch where i end up. Call em a bitch and Ill show you one. Fuck me over and ill do it to you twice as bad. Call me crazy, but you really have no idea." - anonymous
Funny Quote: "You don't like me and that's ok. there is nothing i can do about it. NEWSFLASHBITCH: I DON'T LIVE TO PLEASE YOU." - anonymous



Cait said...

Oh..I wish I felt like running. You are so athletic. Take it easy though. Its summer.

Unknown said...

You are going the limits there. Be careful. Its great you are really having some wonderful times out doors. All the best on your summer.

Past the point

Sid and Violet

ellie said...

Thanks so much for the note. Now this sounds like some great summer fun. I love your descriptions of nature and everything.

Hope you have a fantastic summer fun with your friends and family.