Monday, November 24, 2008

Twighlight Movie!

Ok, This is probably going to be an abnormally-long post because I've been talking to my twighlight-holic friends all weekend, and there are a few different points we've made about the movie, and i haven't posted in a couple of days, so i might bore you to death with my currently stand-still life. ;)
1) Last night i was IMing this guy friend of mine whose gf dragged him out to see the movie. He was talking about how there should have been more of a fight scene between James and Edward. I totally agree, and so do pretty much all of my friends. All the did was smack each other around a little bit, and with all the can do with computers, they should've gone half matrix! Here's a little excerpt of our IM (he's in italics):
9:44pm: The only things I've complained about. Were the fact that James was killed off WAY too easily. And the fact he was killed off at all xD
9:45pm: lol. true. there should have been way more of an action-y fight . i mean, with all that they can do with computer graphics these days, they should have gone half matrix. XD
9:46pm: Yeah xD All they did was throw each other around a couple times, and then it's over :/
Basically the rest of our conversation was more of the same.
2)weird facial expressions. Was I the ony one who noticed the weird expressions Robert Patterson and Kristen Stewart had on their faces during some scenes of the movie? I swear it looked like Edward was crossed-eyed when he was getting the poison out of Bella's arm. XD
3) Some of the people were totally not like we'd imagined. Kristen made an excellent Bella, and at first I thought that they had casted Edward wrong, but Robert did a pretty good job. We hardly saw ANY of either Jasper or Alice, and personally, I think Jasper and Jake should have had shorter hair.
All in all, Was it a really good movie? ABSOLUTELY! Could they have done a little better? Yeah.
Now, on to my painfully average life. Nothing too interesting has happened. The usual, Come home, fake homework, read other people's blogs, swear at my computer for not letting me post, be forced to practice piano, blast classic rock to piss off the neighbors. etc. =] just kidding, my life has been GREAT!!! My band is currently rocking 3 cover songs: Fortunate Son, by Creedence Clearwater Revival, and 2 DOORS songs, Light My Fire, and Break On Through! The guys in the band are really great, and thank god that they're all ym age this time! Last time my music school placed me in a band, There was 2 4th graders (not to say that they were'nt great musicians), a 7th grader, and one other 8th grader (this was last year, when I was in 8th grade)! This year there's 2 other freshmen, and 2 sophomores. The only thing that hasn't really changed is the fact that I'm the only girl. I'm actually getting used to that. I think that there really aren't too many girls who play electric guitar either, so its mutual. I've only seen 1 other electric guitar playing girl at that music school, and she kinda hates my guts, most of the girls there take voice. Crap. I gotta go, AGAIN. Damn school bell. =/ Oh well, bye! <=]

1 comment:

taffy. said...

electric guitar is so cool!
agh, i can't wait to see that movie.