Friday, January 9, 2009

Snow Delays and Three Day Weekends

Ok it's been a fairly odd week. On Tuesday there was this hail/rain storm, and all the rain and hail kinda froze together into one big solid ice coating all over EVERYTHING, so the high school sent home an automated phone message notifying us of the two-hour-delay quite loudly at 5:30 in the morning. =P And it only went uphill from there when my phone started ringing off the hook as my friend's family's also received the obnoxiously-loud message. Eventually I fell back into a fitful nap for about twenty minutes before the middle school called with yet another automated phone message at around 6:30, and woke everyone AGAIN. When my clock went off at 8:00, I was seriously thinking how my day could have possibly gotten off to a worse start if I had just gotten up at 5:55 like I always do and ignored the presence of the phone call, 'cause I was just as tired as if I stayed up until four in the morning. There's a long story about that, actually: I was home sick one day, and our cable was out, so I was making do with the normal crap they have on the primitive 60 channels everyone gets. And I don't know if you've noticed this before, but there's absolutely NOTHING even REMOTELY interesting on daytime television between 8:00 and 3:00. So i was surfing channels and I came to ABC family, and Gilmore girls was on. I kind of blew off ever seeing that show 'cause I was too stupid to actually give it a chance before I judged it, and I found that I thought it was the funniest non-cartoon show available on TV, and got completely hooked on it. Well, for Christmas, I got a season's collection of it, and I started watching it on the last Friday of the break, and it's like, 24 hours of TV over 6 disks. SO i was watching it, and the eldest of my younger brothers comes into my room playing some stupid bloody war video game on his Nintendo DS, and he's like 'what are you watching?', so I explain it to him, and ten minutes later, we're both sitting on my bed, and sharing a HUGE bowl of popcorn, and watching 18 solid hours out of the 24 before crashing at like 4 am, and waking up at 8:00 the next day. Ok, long story finally over now. So i get to school, and I find out that they're actually making us attend all nine of our classes that day, but since school started at 9:45, and still has to be over by 2:30, each class (excluding lunch) was exactly 27 minutes to make THIS long story short, nobody got any work done a all, all day. Best day ever! XD Wednesday was completely normal; same crap, different day, and everyone found out that superintendent's conference day was moved to this Friday, so suddenly Thursday became Friday ON TOP of Friday being Friday, and all the teachers were pissing and moaning all day about how they 'not only have to be stuck inside ALL day while they could be doing other things 9LIKE WHAT?!?!) AND apparently they were not notified about the 2 hour delay, so they showed up to the building 2 hours too early, and found it locked, and freezing'. I'm completely overloaded with work right, and the only reason I have the time to type out this extremely LONG post is because currently it's about 3:30 in the morning, and I have just completed a second Gilmore girls marathon. XD I know, I have no life, but what are you gonna do, right? Actually, I'm working on re-building my currently non-existing life by inviting another chronically life-less friend of mine to go see a movie with me. My best friend is completely freaking out because this person is someone I dated for a while back (some of you might remember him: the bassist for my band? Maybe not? whatever) and he's been grounded to the point of practically being chained to the house for the past several months, and I finally convinced his parents to let him out for one movie with me. XD so, wish me luck tomorrow (technically later today)!!! =]


KF59 said...

Gilmore Girls is BEAST!

taffy. said...

aww, i feel bad for the teachers.

Ali said...

I LOVE Gilmore Girls! I got all the seasons for Christmas! I'm really in love with that show.

ANd i wiSH you luck Liv!

ellie said...

Good to hear from you. Hope it works out with the movie with you know who.

wow..that has been some week. Thanks so much for reading.

Livie23 said...

jeez, dad; you really sound like nick when you destroy the 'beast' thing. XD I only feel bad for some of the teachers. I AM COMPLETLY hooked on that show!!!! =] It has been an eventful week, hopefully so will next week so I'll have something to talk about! =]

Sydney said...

love gilmore girls!

short days are the best!

and sounds like you and your brother had fun watching lorelai and rory. :)

Anonymous said...

Hehe, Gilmore Girls was fun. And yes, even in Portugal day-time non-cable TV really sucks.

Wow, your life has been busy.
And go for it girl, a film won't hurt anyone :)