Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Address!

Ok, I have a blogger account (of course), but I never actually belonged to blogger until yesterday. My address was run off of my family's website,, and not off blogger, like all of yours are (ending the address in ''). so, now that I DO belong to blogger, I can work on getting the following gadget, and actually customizing my background, which I couldn't do before. My new address is:, just to let all of you know. I have alot of exploring to do now on the blogger website, because now i can actually use half the crap they advertise. =] ill post more soon!


anaaaaaaishh :D said...

i love your new layout(:

ANNIE said...

I love the purple background.


Anonymous said...

I love it already :)

Anonymous said...

btw, that's a really cool picture of yourself with the guitar ^^